Switchboard by AI
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What is Switchboard?

As we all know, vital revenue can be lost when a company attempts to convert a marketing game plan into ad dollars. Without campaign oversight, it is next to impossible to make the adjustments necessary to sharpen strategies and increase over-all effectiveness.

Money Bag
Imagine being able to gauge actual audience response to your ads at any point in a campaign, so you can literally see your dollars at work!

Switchboard by AI is a fully integrated, user-friendly software program, designed specifically to streamline marketing strategies and maximize the efficiency of advertising campaigns. Switchboard enables you to choose, with the help of our consultants, the ideal 1-800 vanity number for your business, amplifying brand awareness and skyrocketing audience response to your ads.

Switchboard's Technology

Our new, cutting-edge technology allows you to monitor this increased phone call volume across multiple media campaigns with just a simple click of the mouse. The Switchboard software harnesses the relevant statistical information, breaks it down into a variety of easy-to-read platforms, and presents it for analysis. This colorful interface allows you to view the direct response to your vanity number by month, day, hour, area code, location, market, and more, to determine the efficiency of each ad in your campaign, and adjust your strategy on the fly.

Switchboard's embedded routing function, coupled
with our intuitive tracking interface, serves as the perfect tandem for ensuring cost-effective ad management. In short, as a multi-function administrative tool, Switchboard enables our clients to evaluate
campaign success based on actual results.

When it comes to return on investment, why rely on intangible estimates and speculation? Switchboard was created with one philosophy in mind. Performance-based assessment never lies. It is the truest measure of success.

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